Thursday, 28 February 2013

My New Gaming PC

LENOVO Ideapad y500

Last 2 weeks, I've just odered a gaming PC which is very attractive from my point of view. Not only the price is cheap but as well as it's hardware spec, performance and design. It took a week for the PC to arrive. So here it is.....

lenovo Y500

       Well, it use 3rd generation intel core i7 series CPU which provide 4 CPU core with 8 threads processing unit using Hyper Threading technology which you can refer it from my blog before. Run with 2.4GHz-3.4GHz processing clock.
       The monitor is quite big, 15.6 inch in diagonal length with resolution 1920x1080 using LED screen. The speaker is made by one of famous audio company that is JBL. For some people maybe they never heard of this brand, because this company only manufacture big speaker like car speaker, stadium speaker etc. I also never heard this company until i saw this brand is printed on a very old audio system in my hometown audio shop probably manufactured around 1980 based on the condition of the speaker that is very dusty and dull in colour. The sound is can be considered loud if in full volume. Provided only 3 USB port, 2 unit USB 3.0 and 1 unit USB 2.0.
       Another good thing about it is it use high-end GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) that is 2 units of nVidia GeForce GT 650M with 4GB GDDR5 memory under SLI Technology. Scalable Link Interface (SLI) is a brand name for a multi-GPU solution developed by NVIDIA for linking two or more video cards together to produce a single output. SLI is an application of parallel processing for computer graphics, meant to increase the processing power available for graphics.

Dual GPU report from Device Manager and nVidia GPU control Panel

         Talk About RAM (Random Access Memory) it use 12GB of RAM with speed of 1600MHz.
Here some performance report of this PC within scale of 1.0-7.9

     Lenovo also has a new feature and idea to put in this product, which they make a removeable or changeable slot call UltraBay. Normally the place where our DVD drive slot on the side of our PC is removeable and can be only replaced by DVD drive only, but Lenovo modify the idea by placing second GPU or Cooling Fan or DVD Drive or secondary hard drive into it. In Malaysia set, they only provide second GPU and High output power adapter to drive the PC in 2 GPU mode.

secondary GPU

     As a gaming PC it is crucial it has LED lighted keyboard. So you can press the keyboard easily in the dark.

              Physically, the design is quite good, rectangular shape with brushed aluminium casing,unlike the famous gaming PC like Alienware which the design is very the way i don' mind the design. Good thing about this PC is can be considered light compared to Alienware which weight 4-5 kg. This PC only weight around kg. The bad thing is fingerprint easily to stick or printed on the casing which gives annoying view for some people but not me.
              The price is quite reasonable, it cost me RM 3799. Instead of buying Alienware which cost around RM5000-RM 7000 with same spec. At the first time, i feel guilty buying this PC because it quite high for me. After thinking for a few days, then i realize that if i bought mid-range performance PC which cost RM2900 and the performance only last 2 years due to high requirement of gaming hardware and mid-range PC cannot playing high graphic games well like Far Cry 3, Section 8 , Mass Effect etc. The heat cause by the CPU and GPU may make the motherboard soldering stuff on chip melting when playing such games and that will cost me on the future and the total will exceeding the price of y500. So, in the end i bought LENOVO Ideapad y500.
              Before i bought this PC, there are a lot of post about this PC saying that this PC malfunctioning during unboxing to use it for the first time. Then i realize that all the post is pointing to AP set (America Set) but not Asia set. That post make me nearly regret buying this PC, but luckily it not happen to mine. Till now, the PC serve me well, no malfunction. Maybe on the next blog I will provide game performances of this PC.